
Navigating Workplace Health and Safety Law for Club Managers

By Catherine Rooney

1 May 2024 2 Min Read

Navigating Workplace Health and Safety Law for Club Managers

As general managers of clubs, ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved in club activities is paramount. Understanding how workplace health and safety laws apply to sports club organisers is essential for fulfilling this responsibility while continuing to foster a vibrant community atmosphere. Let’s delve into the key aspects of health and safety law and how they relate to managing clubs.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Responsibilities and Duties

The cornerstone of workplace health and safety legislation, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (the Act), imposes duties on employers, self-employed individuals, and volunteer organisations. As club organisers, whether employing staff or volunteering, it’s crucial to comply with the Act’s requirements to ensure the health and safety of all individuals involved in club activities. Let’s break it down…

Employers and Self-Employed Organisers:

The Act mandates employers to take reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of their employees and others affected by their work activities.

This duty extends beyond employees to encompass volunteer staff, club members, visiting teams, and spectators, emphasising the importance of protecting all individuals involved in club activities from potential risks.

Volunteers and Premises Management:

For volunteers running clubs with no employees, health and safety law typically does not apply, unless the club has responsibility for premises like a clubhouse or playing fields.

Individuals with control of premises, such as clubhouse or playing fields, have a duty to ensure the safety of those using them. This shared duty often involves premises owners, management committees, and users collaborating to maintain a safe environment.

The extent of a club’s legal duty depends on its level of control over the premises and the type of equipment provided. Whether managing premises or using sports equipment, taking reasonable steps to ensure safety is essential.

Practical Steps for Club Managers:

  • Regularly inspect premises and sports equipment to identify and address any potential hazards.
  • Implement routine maintenance procedures to keep facilities and equipment in good repair.
  • Provide adequate training and instructions to staff and volunteers on safety protocols and emergency procedures.
  • Foster a culture of safety awareness among all individuals involved in club activities, emphasising the importance of vigilance and proactive risk management.

By understanding and adhering to workplace health and safety laws, club general managers can create a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants. Compliance with these regulations not only fulfils legal obligations but also demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of club members, staff, and visitors.


If you have any questions on how you can uphold the highest standards of safety and excellence in club management by streamlining your safety, compliance and training processes – get in touch!

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